Friday, March 18, 2011

Extra Credit Update (6th Grade only): Asia

1. The life of Mohandas Gandhi- write a brief summary of the life and death of the Father of India. Be sure to feature his achievements and downfall. This assignment will be worth 15 extra credit points or 1 pt on the final grade.
2. Eating Asian: Visit a restaurant featuring food from one of our study countries: India, Thailand or Vietnamese. To prove your visit, please feature a menu, and write a brief summary of your experience. This summary is worth 15 pts or 1 pt on your final grade. Enjoy!
3.  Watching Asia: Select a film produced in one of our Asian study countries (India). The movie director, production company, and main characters must be listed. Write a summary of the movie plot and explain how you learned new details about Asian culture. The only western produced movies allowed in this assignment are Bend It Like Beckham 2002 or Slumdog Millionaire 2008.  This summary is worth 15 pts or 1 pt on your final grade. Enjoy! (Due to the graphic portrayal of human poverty, Slumdog Millionaire is not a class approved film. Viewers parental discretion is advised.)
4. The Green Revolution is a hotly debated issue in many of our Asian study countries. Using the films of Food Inc. and Supersize Me, discuss how the food production and food industry of the West, can impact the agricultural societies of many Asian countries. This summary is worth 15 pts or 1 pt on your final grade. Enjoy!

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