Wednesday, November 4, 2015

William Bradford Questions

Mayflower Compact 1620
1.Who are the strangers in the Reading and why is the Compact needed?
2.How is Virginia referened in this reading?
3.Who was the 1st governor of the colony and why was he chosen?
Narragansett Challenge
1.What was the English response to the messenger sent from the Narragansetts?
2.How did they prepare against attack?
End of the Common course…
1.What did the Pilgrims realize?

2.Why did the colonist capture Thomas Morton?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Historical Study: Europe, Guinea, and the New World 1492-1620

The foundation of American History lies in the events, ideas, and victories made from 1492-1620. The New World, beaming with Native Civilizations and culture from the Mexicas (Aztecs) in Central America, and the Quechua culture lead by the Incas in South America, will be forced to come to terms with the arrival of a new man, the Spaniard. In Guinea, reports of trade between the Mali, Songhai, and Guana Empires will lead to the escalation of the trade in human chattel, gold, salt, and gunpowder. A trade Guinea has yet to recover. While in Europe, all the Kingdoms from Espana to England, will be thrust into an Age of Discovery, driven by the crucible of Christianity and the Crusades. Overpopulation, disease, and the pursuit of land by the serf classes will bring the Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, and the Dutch face to face with the dawn of a European dominated world, never seen before.

How can we unearth the secrets of History and the clash of age old and renown civilizations? Let us begin with the literature from the era, the reenactments of the time, and the obvious lasting affects on the language and culture. Sources will be updated and added until the end of Ch. 3.

-Mr. Amaye-Obu

New World Sources
Broken Spears
Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Diario of Don Christobal Colon

European Sources
The Merchant of Venice
Elizabeth I
Irish Tactics Rob Roy

Guinea Sources
The Secret Route
Griot: Abu Bakr of Mali
The Dilligent
Olaudah Equiano

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome Oakland Charter High School Students!

Welcome Oakland Charter High School Students!

This school year, unlike previous studies in Europe, Asia, Latin America, or Africa, will focus primarily on United States History from the Civil War to the present-day. The course will feature study maps, exclusive documentaries, projects, and essays describing the late 19th Century, the 20th Century, and the 21st Century.

US History is filled with giant figures in History like Abraham Lincoln or John D. Rockefeller. It is also filled with contention and movements for rights, quality of life, and liberation from tyrannical control by the very same giants, we all admire and love. The 20th Century has been called the Century of Neocolonialism and the Century of Genocide. Major wars, governments, Corporations, Banks, and now private Militias left a huge footprint like never before witnessed. There were also major advances in technology as Americans will end horse travel and embark on the road to inventing the automobiles and airplanes. American Astronauts will even visit Space and walk on the Moon. We shall now forget the television, World Wide Web, the Cell phone, or Michael Jackson! Get ready to consider all the facts, ponder on the same questions, and learn the American journey, as we live it today.

-Mr. Amaye-Obu